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Dear, Queens (and Kings)!

It’s your time (and I want to help you claim it!). It’s your time to be financially independent, wise, and free.

It starts with taking control of your money and understanding that you have options (yes you do!). It’s about learning as much as you can now so you can position yourself for the highest levels of financial success later.

Learning how to invest was a game-changer for me (I can’t believe I didn’t learn this in school!). Investing helped me to think differently and focus on my net worth instead of the latest trends that would increase someone else’s net worth.

This is not your ordinary investing book. It’s real life. It’s female-friendly. And it’s designed to show you how you can translate the daily decisions you make into a recurring stream of income.

In simplest terms, this book is about becoming a savvy shopper in the stock market and getting rewarded for the decisions you make!

About the Author: Meet Charlene!

Hi, I’m Charlene! I’m a Certified Public Accountant, former financial analyst, and recovering shopaholic (yep, I pretty much lived at the mall!).

I’ve turned my obsession with finding deals at the shopping mall to finding high-quality, undervalued assets at the stock market (That’s right. I make my money work for me!). The best part is that I earn passive income every month from my investments!

My experiences have prepared me to educate others about the markets in a female-friendly tone. I’ve worked as a big four accounting firm auditor where I thoroughly analyzed and reviewed financial statements (ya know, the documents that tell you if a company has been naughty or nice with their money). Girl, I learned all the juicy financial gossip before it hit the streets (but my lips are sealed!).

I also worked as a financial analyst for one of the most powerful banks in the world during the 2008 economic crisis (and this was an opportune time to work in the markets!). While you may hear about well-known investors reading documents that contain a company’s latest financial results, I had the experience of being on the ground floor and creating those documents that investors rely on (yeah I spent over 60 hours a week doing this and dreaming about it in my sleep!).

So, when I married my love for shopping with my experience in financial services, it was a match made in Paradise! Now, I can show off my shopping skills and get rewarded for it with hot dividend payments flowing into my account every quarter! And when you don’t have to worry about your next source of income or rely on one job, you give yourself permission to create the boldest vision of your best life that you can imagine.

When you’re ready to get your money right so you can start shopping at the stock market, sign up for our dividend investing course! We’ll show you how to turn your paychecks into passive income this year.

Don’t forget your kids can get dividends, too! In my book Debt-Free Before Graduation, I share my best tips and strategies to help your child accumulate over $100,000 in scholarships and internships. Imagine your child getting dividends instead of taking on debt.

Muah….talk soon!

Charlene Rhinehart


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